
How To Use Zoom

How to connect to Zoom: 

With COVID-19, we have moved to hybrid meetings and use the virtual platform Zoom. Joining a meeting with Zoom is very simple – just press the link that is sent to you via email. 

While you do not need to download Zoom for your computer, we encourage you to do so for a smoother experience. Download it here: Download Center – Zoom

A link to register for Zoom meetings will be sent out in advance. Once you register, you will receive an email that looks something like this: 

Simply click the link to connect. 

For more information, see the video below:


For more information about connecting, visit Joining a meeting – Zoom Help Center

Health & Safety

Occupational Health and Safety Act

The act sets out the rights and duties of all parties in the workplace, as well as the procedures for dealing with workplace hazards and for enforcement as needed.

Guide to Performing a Work Refusal

The right to refuse unsafe work is one of the three basic health and safety rights achieved by the labour movement, along with the right to know about the hazards in your workplace, and the right to participate in workplace health and safety decisions.  All workers have the legal right to a healthy and safe workplace that allows them to protect their own safety by refusing to perform work that they believe has the potential to harm themselves or others at the worksite.

Collective Agreements

All current collective agreements with CUPE 3261 are available below in PDF.

If you have any questions about your collective agreement rights, please talk to your shop steward, or visit the contact page to get in touch with the Union executive. Extra physical copies of the collective agreement are typically available at the Union office for your personal use, or to keep in your workplace.

Employment Standards Act (ESA)

The Employment Standards Act (ESA) provides the minimum standards for most employees working in Ontario. It sets out the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers in most Ontario workplaces. 

If you would like to learn more about the Employment Standards Act (ESA), visit the website here. 


CUPE 3261 Bylaws

Below find CUPE 3261’s Bylaws in PDF. These Bylaws serve to protect the rights of all members — Full time/Part time, Casual, UofT Press, 89 Chestnut and Faculty Club — and provide the framework for responsible governance of the Union.

Download (PDF, 462KB)

Note: We are in the process of updating our bylaw document. There are two amendments that have been approved in 2023 but are not yet reflected in the document above: 1) Adding an additional seat to the Full-Time Part-Time negotiating committee which is dedicated to a Part-Time member, and 2) Changes to our executive elections procedure, which can be seen below:

Download (PDF, 171KB)


CUPE National Constitution

Below is the CUPE National Constitution. It is separated into two parts. The first part forms the basis for the functioning of the National Union. The second part determines the functioning for all CUPE local unions across Canada. CUPE 3261’s bylaws cannot conflict with the constitution.

Download (PDF, 1.44MB)


Click here to be redirected to the University’s HR Service Centre, where you can sign in to find information on health and dental benefits as well as disability, life insurance, pension, child care, and more.

We also encourage all members to register online with the University’s benefits provider Green Shield, at This allows you to quickly and easily do things like submit claims online, check coverage, and see your claim history.

Employment Family Assistance Program

All U of T employees, including casual workers, have access the the Employment Family Assistance Program (EFAP). The program offers confidential short–term counselling, coaching, information, and support for all types of issues relating to mental health, health management, and achieving greater personal and workplace well-being. 

Click here for details

Job postings

Find postings with CUPE 3261 at the link below:

FTPT Unit Seniority List

In an effort to balance both the accessibility of our seniority list and the privacy of our members information, the Full-time Part-time Unit seniority list will no longer be posted publicly on the union website. Instead, a link to the latest list will be emailed to all FTPT members once per year. Should you find an error with your listed seniority date, please reach out by email to the Recording Secretary at

We apologize for the delays in sending out the most recent seniority list. If you have an urgent need related to seniority please email or call the union office.

UofT Civil Conduct Guidelines

Click here for access the The University of Toronto’s “Human Resources Guideline on Civil Conduct.” 

If you have concerns about harassment or uncivil conduct at your workplace, the first step is to file a complaint under U of T’s Civility Guideline.

Note: This guideline specifically applies to U of T employees (Full-Time, Part-Time, Casual, and 89 Chestnut Unit members.) However, other units follow a similar policy and complaint process. 

The guideline sets out the expectations of the University regarding the standard of civil conduct that it trusts that all employees will maintain in their dealings with each other, and also describes what constitutes civil and uncivil conduct and sets out a general framework for staff members who are concerned that they have experienced such conduct.

What is Harassment? 

(a) engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome, or

(b) workplace sexual harassment, which is defined as:

  • engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, where the course of comment or conduct is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome, or
  • making a sexual solicitation or advance where the person making the solicitation or advance is in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement to the worker and the person knows or ought reasonably to know that the solicitation or advance is unwelcome.

What is Uncivil Conduct? According to U of T, the following behaviours are considered uncivil if they are part of a recurring pattern:

  • Shouting
  • Profanity, abusive, aggressive or violent language directed at an individual or individuals
  • Using props suggestive of violence
  • Slamming doors
  • Throwing objects
  • Humiliating, degrading, demeaning, belittling, insulting, frightening or intimidating another person
  • Distributing comments about an individual, whether verbally or in writing, including online, that are unjustified and are likely to have a negative impact on the individual if he/she were to see them
  • Telling inappropriate jokes

Isolated instances of the examples above will not be considered in breach of the civility guidelines. 

The following is not considered uncivil conduct: 

  • Reasonable management action, taken in accordance with the relevant collective agreement or employment contract where applicable, such as:
    • Meetings, letters or conversations dealing with performance management, attendance management, coaching
    • Instructions given by a supervisor/manager such as what to do, how to do it, the expected standard of performance
    • Disciplinary action
    • Denial of leave requests
    • Requests for documentation to substantiate requests for leave
  • Evaluative comments made in the context of peer review processes
  • Differences of opinion or debate conveyed in a respectful manner
  • Interpersonal conflicts where the parties remain respectful of one another

To learn more on how to report, see page 4 of the guidelines. 

If an employee is dissatisfied with the results of the internal complaint process, they may file a grievance. 

If you have any questions or concerns with uncivil behaviour, please let us know.