CUPE 3261 FTPT, Casual, and 89 Chestnut Unit Members —
Your negotiating committees have just received extremely disappointing news from the University regarding the timeline for implementation of both the new wage rates and retroactive pay which our entire membership has fought hard for and won in our recent round of bargaining. We have been told by the University that the new wage rates and retro will not be implemented until May 31st – more than 2.5 months from the March 17th date that these agreements were ratified and came into effect. While the new wage rates did take effect on March 17th, the University is stating that our paycheques will continue to show the old rates until May 31st, at which point all retro will be paid out for all hours worked since the contract expiry.
While this delay is not a violation of the memorandum of agreement we signed and ratified, we have already told the University that such a delayed timeline is unacceptable, and completely out of line with past practice. We also stressed the concerns our members who are laid off seasonally in our FTPT and 89 Chestnut Units have about the way this could complicate or impact EI benefits (see the FAQ below). The University so far has not responded to or addressed any of these concerns.
As such, we have decided to launch a petition to the University administration for Respect and Dignity NOW, demanding the timely payment of the wages that we are owed from the University.
Click the button above to sign the petition and be sure to share with all of your coworkers – it can easily be filled out on a phone in just 2 minutes. We will provide updates on the plan to deliver the petition and any responses we receive from the University. The fight for respect and dignity continues. Please read on below for some more information and answers to frequently asked questions about the retro pay and implementation of the new collective agreement.
In solidarity,
Your CUPE 3261 FTPT, Casual, and 89 Chestnut Negotiating Committees
If I’m on seasonal layoff and collecting EI when retro is paid, how could this affect me?
According to the Employment Insurance policy on retroactive increases in wages or salary, “retroactive increases in wages or salary are specifically excluded from consideration as earnings during the benefit period and for interruption of earnings purposes, as they are considered to have been earned over the period worked.” In other words – while everyone’s situation will be different depending on your individual and family income – we don’t expect this to have a negative impact on your EI benefit. This may however complicate the EI process, with more paperwork added and the University potentially having to issue a second Record of Employment (ROE) or other material after the retro is paid.
If my casual, temporary, or term contract expires, or if I otherwise stop working at the University before the retro is paid, how could this affect me?
Regardless of your employment status at the time when the retro is paid out, you will be entitled to the new rates and retro pay for all of your hours worked as long as you were actively employed in your bargaining unit on the date of ratification (March 17th).
When can I use the new $200 boot allowance?
- As soon as you are eligible for your next boot allowance according to your collective agreement.
When can FTPT or 89 Chestnut members use the new 5th paid personal day?
- For FTPT members: Immediately. For 89 Chestnut members: Starting May 1, 2024.
When can Casual members use the four paid sick days?
- Immediately. You have up to four paid sick days you can use per year. To avoid pay issues, make sure to tell your supervisor in writing that you are taking a paid sick day.
As a reminder, the Tentative Agreement Summaries and complete language can be found on our website here.