CUPE 3261 Mourns Recent Death on Campus

The executive committee was saddened to hear of yet another student death on campus yesterday — unfortunately the third death at the Bahen Centre over the past two years.

Our thoughts are with this student’s friends and family, and all those impacted by this tragedy. CUPE 3261 stands in solidarity with students calling for increased mental health support on campus. Our thoughts are also with the workers who were on the scene: first responders and caretakers. Your valuable work does not go unnoticed.

If you or someone you know is in distress, you can call:

  • Canada Suicide Prevention Service phone available 24/7 at 1-833-456-4566
  • Good 2 Talk Student Helpline at 1-866-925-5454
  • Ontario Mental Health Helpline at 1-866-531-2600
  • Gerstein Centre Crisis Line at 416-929-5200
  • U of T Health & Wellness Centre at 416-978-8030

We also would like to remind our members that many of our bargaining units, including the Full Time and Part Time unit, have access to the  Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP) through their UofT benefits. The EFAP offers free confidential short-term counselling to employees and their dependants for personal, family, and work-related problems. Click here for more information.

Labor Day Events!


Dear Members,

On Monday, September 2 CUPE Ontario members will take part in Labour Day events in communities across the province.

Toronto Locals marching with CUPE Ontario should meet at 9am sharp in Section 6—the West side of University North from Armoury St to Dundas St.W (where we have been in past years). 

We will be marching down University to Queen St. West and then along Queen to Dufferin where we will then march to the CNE.

Labour Day has its roots in our movement’s fight for an eight-hour work day and celebrates the many gains unions have struggled for on behalf of all workers, including health and safety regulations, parental leave, better wages, pay equity laws, and same-sex spousal benefits.


Summer BBQs

Dear CUPE 3261 members,

Our annual campus BBQ’s are right around the corner! All members are welcome to join. Come out for delicious food, drinks and free giveaways!  See the dates below: 

  • UTSC Campus: Friday, July 26th, 12 pm to 2 pm and 4 pm to 6 pm at the H-Wing Patio. 
  • UTM Campus: Friday, August 23rd, 12 pm to 2 pm and 4 pm to 6 pm. Location TBD
  • St. George Campus: Friday, September 13th, 12 pm to 2 pm and 4 pm to 6 pm at the Faculty Club (41 Willcocks Street)

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Please ensure your supervisors are informed. 

General Membership Meeting: June 15th

The General Membership Meeting will be held at the St. George campus on Saturday, June 15th at the Sanford Fleming Building room 1101 from 10AM to 12PM. As always, coffee and donuts are on us. Whether or not you are interesting in running for an executive board position we encourage everyone to come out to hear our regular meeting updates and talk about what’s new with the local.

Nominations will be taking place for the following Executive Board positions: Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Chief Steward, Health & Safety Officer, FT/PT Representative, Casual Representative, and Faculty Club Representative.  If more than one candidate is nominated for a position, the election for that position will be held at the October General Membership Meeting. Nominations are held at the meeting. If you are unable to attend, your nomination may be submitted in writing by another member at the meeting. 

Please feel free to contact the union if you have any questions.

We encourage any and all members who would like to get more involved with the Union to run for an executive board position!


CUPE Locals 1230 and 3261 Vote “Yes” for the New UPP

We are pleased to announce that the members of CUPE Locals 1230 and 3261 have voted overwhelmingly in favour of conversion of the existing University of Toronto pension plan to the University Pension Plan, a newly created multi-employer jointly sponsored defined benefit pension plan.   At a time when defined benefit pensions are under attack, we expect that the increased security of the UPP and its joint governance framework will insulate the plan from political pressures and protect the retirement security of our members for decades to come.  

In January 2019, the Executives of both CUPE Locals 1230 and 3261 decided to put the question of conversion to the new University Pension Plan (UPP) to their respective members by holding pension consent votes. It was not a decision lightly undertaken, but one that considered the importance of labour solidarity at the University of Toronto (UofT). Also, it was the duty of both Locals to represent their members’ interests to the best of their abilities.

After a month-long campaign in support of the amended UPP, CUPE Locals 1230 and 3261 voted this week for the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the Employer and the conversion of our existing pension plan to the new UPP. The MoA will provide our current pension plan members with a salary increase starting July 1, 2019. The increase will offset the hike in our contributions as UofT shifts to a 50/50 contribution schedule in its current pension plan. Meanwhile, our consent to participate in the new UPP will allow both Unions to have a say in the governance of the plan going forward – something that was lacking under the existing plan.

In detail, a majority of CUPE Local 1230 members voted on Tuesday, February 26, 2019. The result was unanimous—100% of the Local’s members supported the MoA and the conversion to the new UPP. A large turnout of CUPE Local 3261 members voted throughout the week, with the last vote taking place late yesterday afternoon. The result was equally impressive—with 91% of the Local’s members supporting the MoA and the conversion to the new UPP.

As we move forward, we expect to work closely with our labour partners at UofT, the United Steelworkers (USW) Local 1998 and the UofT Faculty Association (UTFA). At this time we would like to thank USW and their president, Colleen Burke, and UTFA and their president, Cynthia Messenger, for their support without which we would not have been able to organize our votes on such short notice. Also, thanks to UofT’s Labour Relations for providing us with the time to organize and conduct the votes. Last, but not least, both Locals wish to express our appreciation to our interim CUPE National Representative, Rebecca Strung, for devoting the entire month of February to assist us in this process.

We look forward to meetings with representatives of the employer from all three universities (UofT, the University of Guelph, and Queen’s University), as well as all the labour groups involved, as we move ahead with the UPP.

In solidarity,

Wasyl Sydorenko, President CUPE Local 1230

Allan James, President CUPE Local 3261

Pension Voting and Information Sessions

Everyone enrolled in UofT’s current pension plan gets to have a say in the new plan, which is why the union is holding special meetings at each campus next week. At these meetings you will have the opportunity to learn more about the plan, discuss the changes, and then vote. We encourage everyone to attend. The University has agreed to allow all of our members to attend these meetings on paid work time — just be sure to alert your supervisors well in advance, and contact the union if any issues arise.

 St. George — Monday, February 25th
– Morning: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM @ Sidney Smith Hall rm. 2117
– Afternoon: 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM @ Medical Sciences Building rm. 3153
– Evening: 9:30 PM – 11:00 PM @ Sidney Smith Hall rm.  2117

 UTM — Tuesday, February 26th
– Morning: 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM @ Spigel Hall (Davis Building)
– Afternoon: 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM @ Spigel Hall
– Evening: 9:30 PM – 11:00 PM @ Spigel Hall

UTSC — Wednesday, February 27th
– Morning:  11:00 AM – 1:00 PM @ H-Wing rm. 408
– Afternoon: 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM @ H-Wing rm. 214
– Night shift: 9:30 PM – 11:00 PM @ H-Wing rm. 214

89 Chestnut — Thursday, February 28th
– 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM @ St. Lawrence Room

Important Pension Information

Hello members! There are extremely important pension changes coming. Over the past few years, the University of Toronto has been working with the University of Guelph and Queens to create the “University Pension Plan” or UPP — a multi-employer pension plan to replace our current pension plan. This has many implications on all members in the pension plan, and we ask that you read the materials below to get informed, and be ready to vote on the changes!

All the important information you need to know can be found in the links below.

  • Please begin by reading our introductory Pension Brochure here
  • See the side-by-side UofT and UPP Comparison handout here.
  • See the Memorandum of Agreement signed between the union and University here.
    • 89 Chestnut has their own agreement which can be found here. The two documents are essentially the same except for a difference in dates which correspond to 89 Chestnut’s collective agreement.
  • See our point-form summary of the Memorandum of Agreement here

Information and voting sessions will be taking place — on work time — at all three campuses. See this post for all the details.



Read moreImportant Pension Information

Ian Hutson for Governing Council!

CUPE 3261’s very own Ian Hutson is running for the University of Toronto’s Governing Council and needs your support!

Being a longtime CUPE member and highly engaged shop steward are just a couple of reasons why we are proud to endorse Ian, and we encourage all our members to visit Ian’s website to learn more about his bid. With your support we can have CUPE 3261 represented in UofT’s highest governing body!

Voting will be open from Monday, February 4 to Friday, February 15 (and can be done online!). Specific information on how to vote is also kindly laid out on Ian’s website here.

Stay tuned for an email coming soon with more details. And vote Ian!