A Special Membership Meeting meeting will be held virtually via Zoom this Saturday, July 8th from 10AM – 12PM. The agenda will include 3 items which were carried over from our June 17th GMM, as well as 4 new items approved by the executive.
- Financial Report
- Event budget approval
- Proposal to amend Section 8 of the bylaws (Nomination, Election, and Installation of Officers) *
- Appointment of Chief Returning Officer and assistants *
- Nominations for one Trustee position
- Nominations for Recording Secretary *
- Nominations for 5 delegates to the CUPE National Conference in October *
Bylaw amendment proposal
A proposal to amend the election and nomination process for officers (Section 8) will be put to the membership at this meeting, with the aim of making our voting process more accessible. If the majority of the membership approves the proposal, the date for a subsequent Special Membership Meeting will be decided on where the proposal will need to receive a final approval of two-thirds majority of those present and voting.
Nominations for one Trustee position
Trustee’s act as an auditing committee on behalf of the members and audit the books and accounts of the union at least once every calendar year. A full list of duties can be found on page 12 of our bylaws. No prior experience is required — you will be supported in this role and receive any necessary training from CUPE National. If more than one member is nominated for this position an election will be held this October. The term will last 3 years, from October 2023 to October 2026.
Nominations for Recording Secretary
The position of Recording Secretary has been made vacant following the election of Luke Daccord to President. The Recording Secretary’s principal task is to keep full, accurate, and impartial account of the proceedings of all membership or executive board meetings. A full list of duties can be found on page 8 of our bylaws. No prior experience is required — you will be supported in this role and receive any necessary training from CUPE National. If more than one member is nominated for this position an election will be held this October. The term will last 1 year, from October 2023 to October 2024, as this is a by-election.
Nominations for 5 delegates to CUPE’s national convention in October
CUPE’s national convention is the union’s supreme decision-making body, and is held every two years. Delegates participate in setting the union’s priorities, deciding its policies, and electing it’s leaders. Any member may serve as a delegate for our Local, provided they have attended at least 2 general membership meetings in the last 12 months. If there are more than 5 nominees, elections for the delegates will take place at a subsequent Special Membership Meeting in the following months. If you are considering seeking a nomination to serve as a delegate we encourage you to read Section 13 of our bylaws here for more information.
If you are considering seeking a nomination for the Recording Secretary or Trustee position, we strongly recommend reviewing Section 8 of the CUPE 3261 by-laws titled “Nomination, Election, and Installation of Officers” for detailed information on the nomination procedure and eligibility.
If you wish to seek a nomination for any position and are unable to attend Saturday’s meeting, write-in nominations should be sent via email to both the President (president@cupe3261.ca) and the Chief Returning Officer (elections@cupe3261.ca). If you have any questions about the nomination procedure please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Union office.
Other News
Tuan Vuong Retires, Janny Tram Appointed Interim Treasurer
Tuan Vuong, Secretary-Treasurer of CUPE 3261, has retired after 16 years in the role at our local, and 42 years working at the Faculty Club. We thank Tuan for his long and committed service to our union, and wish him all the best! At an executive meeting on Monday, July 26 Tuan officially stepped down from his position as Secretary-Treasurer and the executive appointed Janny Tram to serve in this role until it is elected in October of this year.
March Bylaw Amendment Approved by CUPE National President
On March 18 the membership approved a bylaw amendment which added a requirement for a part-time member to the Full-Time Part-Time bargaining committee. On June 26th, the union received word from the CUPE National President that he has also approved these changes. As of June 26th the following language is now in effect in Section 14 (b):
“Full-time and Part Time Unit Negotiating Committee: The Committee shall consist of the President, The Unit Representative and six (6) other members of the Unit with at least one (1) from Scarborough Campus and one (1) from Mississauga Campus, and a minimum of one (1) part-time bargaining unit member.”
The bylaws on the union’s website will be updated to reflect this change as soon as possible.