Dear Friends,
As we cope with a new realty of the COVID-19 virus, it is important for our members to be safe and help one another in these difficult times.
Our members are brave and resilient. We will get through this together.
I personally want to thank everyone for your work and dedication, in this unprecedented situation.
Here is some information to consider if you decide to stay at home:
All Employees must fill out a COVID/Illness Declaration Form through your ESS.
Members must indicate one of the following Absence:
- Self-Isolation
- Sick Leave
- Immunocompromised Self Isolation
- Those impacted by COVID School or Daycare Closures
COVID-19 sick leave will not be included in any attendance management process under our Collective Agreement
For the purposes of absences due to sickness caused by COVID-19, requirements to provide a medical note will be waived, to prevent additional strain on healthcare providers
COVID-19 Sick Leave
While many of our appointed employees have sick leave provisions in their respective collective agreement or employment policies that sufficiently address such absences, the University has, on an exceptional and without prejudice or precedent basis, temporarily modified and/or improved upon some of the existing provisions for employees who become sick due to COVID-19.
- Employees with paid sick leave in their collective agreement or employment policy should use paid sick leave if they become sick due to COVID-19.
- Employees who have exhausted paid sick leave in accordance with the applicable collective agreement or employment policy will be provided additional days of paid sick leave sufficient to cover a sickness due to COVID-19
- Employees in bargaining units or employee groups that do not have paid sick leave provisions will suffer no loss of pay as a result of sickness due to COVID-19, pursuant to the following:
- Hourly paid employees will be paid for the greater of either any scheduled shifts that they miss up to and including April 5, 2020 if the absence is due to sickness caused by COVID-19, or the average weekly wages for casual employees calculated on the basis of the formula set out in the Employment Standards Act (ESA) for public holiday pay if the absence is due to sickness caused by COVID-19
COVID-19 Self-Isolation
- COVID-19 Self-Isolation refers to employees who are instructed to self-isolate as follows: by a healthcare professional, or:
- Due to recent travel as set out in applicable direction from an applicable government authority, or
- Due to potential exposure as set out in applicable direction from an applicable government authority
- Employees in self-isolation whose roles allow them to work from home are expected to perform the full scope of their duties to the extent possible while in self-isolation
- Employees in self-isolation whose roles are not suited to work from home will continue to receive their regular salary (for salaried employees) or for casual / hourly paid employees, the greater of either any scheduled shifts that they miss up to and including April 5, 2020, or the average weekly wages for casual employees calculated on the basis of the formula set out in the Employment Standards Act (ESA) for public holiday pay (see Appendix A) for the period March 14 – April 5, 2020
My thoughts and prayers are with you in these times, stay safe and take care of your coworkers, family and love ones.
If you have any concerns, feel free to contact me.
Allan James
President CUPE 3261