April 21, 2020
Dear members of CUPE 3261,
As we continue to deal with this new reality of the COVID-19 pandemic, members have expressed frustration, anxiety, and fear to me.
Your union has continually engaged the employer about income security for all members and health & safety protection for those reporting to work.
The University’s current position is that there will be Pay Continuity until the 30th of April, 2020. Will Pay Continuity be extended after that time? We are waiting for confirmation as the University has told us that it is assessing the situation to make that determination.
There have been rumors about layoff after April 30th, however it is inappropriate to assume anything without confirmation from the employer. If there are layoffs, there is language in our Collective Agreement that describes layoff process:
From the FT/PT main unit’s Collective Agreement:
16:06 In the event of a layoff, the Employer agrees that employees shall be laid off in the reverse order of their seniority. The employees shall be recalled to work in order of their seniority.
16:07 Any employee who is laid off may displace an employee with less seniority in the same classification or a lower classification wherein it is determined that they are qualified and capable of performing the duties of that classification.
Temporary Layoff Notice
16:12 The Employer shall notify the employee who is to be laid off ten (10) working days before the layoff is to be effective. If the employee to be laid off has not had the opportunity to work ten (10) full working days after notice of layoff, the employee shall be paid in lieu of that part of ten (10) days during which work was not available.
Your union will continue to engage with the employer to access the most current and confirmed information and continue to advocate on your behalf.
As always, we are going to get through this together!
Stay safe and look out for one another.
Allan James
President CUPE 3261