May 1 marks International Workers’ Day, a time when workers worldwide reflect on the history of activism and collective power that secured the eight-hour workday. As a union, CUPE recognizes this day in solidarity with millions of workers globally who resist exploitation.
In Canada, workers are part of a broader movement fighting for decent work, safety, dignity, and respect. We demand fair wages, benefits, and pensions, as well as quality public services for all. Unfortunately, there are still serious gaps and inequities in our country, particularly when governments cut funding for public services and prioritize privatization.
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has only further highlighted the importance of strong public services and the essential role of front-line workers. However, some governments have taken advantage of the crisis to crackdown on human rights and labour movements.
May Day reminds us of the power of international solidarity in the fight for economic justice, racial justice, migrant justice, and climate justice. Together, let us continue to build worker-to-worker connections and work towards a more just and equitable future.